Mon - 9 miles easy Tue - 12 miles Wed - 15 miles w/track workout Thu - 5 miles Fri - 8 miles Sat - 14 miles w/12K Race (37:18 CR) Sun - 12 w/Goupil and James (out and back on the rail trail)
Great job, Justin. Thanks for the run today, you guys pushed me harder than I would have run by myself. Take it easy this week, You've got the speed, endurance and the drive to do it, and with fresh legs, you're going to rock the VCM.
Great job, Justin. Thanks for the run today, you guys pushed me harder than I would have run by myself. Take it easy this week, You've got the speed, endurance and the drive to do it, and with fresh legs, you're going to rock the VCM.