Tuesday, December 30, 2008

12x400 Repeats

I have to admit that I was not extremely motivated today. So I geared up as soon as I got home before any weakness set in. I took my lab, Bailey, with me. She is not very good a pacing herself. I figure for every one of my miles she puts in about two. I warmed up with a 4.5 mile loop around the neighborhood. I stretched for about 5 minutes and convinced myself that I had better go through with it. I am a bit fatigued from the two preceding days. Anyway, I have a wheeled out 400 meters on a stretch of road that I do my repeats on in the winter when the track is not available. I ended up averaging 67 seconds per stretch with 33 sec recovery between reps. I ran the same 4.5 mile loop for my cool down and finished the day with 12 miles in the bank. To count, I have 49 miles total for the week. I intend to do another double tomorrow which means I have to wake up a bit earlier to allow myself 36 minutes to run in. Then I will run 14 miles home. I feel more fresh than I would have expected and like my chances for getting in 100 miles this week. Who knows I may get more.

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